Charles and Angela
Location, Cranleigh – Size, 300m2 – Erection days, 14.
Having decided we would project manage the building of our new house, we started discussions with Turner Timber Frame Company April 2012. These continued until our visit to meet TTF people in Hull in December which enabled us to make our final decision. We confirmed the order with TTF January 2013. TTF then liased with Andy Ward (Building Plans and Drawing Services) who was producing our building control drawings. In March TTF sent loading figures to Abbey Pynford who did the foundations. TTF frame construction started on site 20/6/2013 and finished 4/7/2013
From the first phone call to the last nail in the structure of our house, TTF proved absolutely invaluable in helping us achieve our personal dream of 30 years. Helen or Malcolm were always available at the end of the phone with endless patience to answer our questions, coping with our pedantic need to understand every part of the process. The knowledge and understanding we gathered during this part of our journey was so often been down to TTF with their experience and common sense.
We have to add that we don’t think we’ve ever seen such a well co-ordinated and more pleasant group of workers than the construction crew Shaun and team. The whole village was reeling at the speed of the assembly and lack of disruption. We were also so grateful for the care and attention given to detail enabling our quality house, we really felt that they were interested in what they were doing for us.
We found that our experiences with TTF were so confidence building that we were able to face the subsequent stages without fear!